Meanwhile, Back at the Black Lagoon

On this Feast of the Transfiguration I’m blessed with several vacation days before school starts and we get back into the swing of things in a major way.

Misty Morning

So I stopped by this fishing camp and once again took a picture of this tree which was felled by Katrina’s wrath and surge, and now sits forlornly splashed across the river, waiting to one day crumble into pulpy oblivion for all eternity.

I love this Silver Efex filter. You just know that the scene looked exactly like this 100 years ago — with or without a tree splashed into the river…

Black Lagoon at night

… and, that the sheer creepiness of the place remained unrivaled, even way back then.

Swampy Night

Still, there is a certain majesty to the night.

And of course, that’s one of the points of the Transfiguration. “The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it.”

Gustav Dore's Transfiguration

Lord Jesus Christ, conform me to Your will; You are my light this day and always.

The Rev. Kenneth Allen