Still Captivated

Armed with my day off and an ever absorbed interest in the waters surrounding New Orleans, I set off once again to see all the hub-bub going on over at the Spillway. And, no photoshop involved! Well, except for simple resizing and rendering web ready through batch processing. But this is good.

spillway redux

To think I drove through here just a week ago…

spillway at eventide

And that in another week it will look just like the river does. Filled with brown muddy water flowing madly.

et voila

I actually spent time today riding upriver to see the Old River Control Structure. But that’s will have to be a later post.

les pecheurs

It was pretty festive. I saw some major lenses out there from photographers, and was falling into envy and jealousy completely before catching myself. I’m pretty sure I saw one of the Times Picayune photogs out there with a Canon 5d mkii, and a 400mm zoom. I’m not quite sure if it’s the $1700 or the $7200 one.. but either way, I’d better learn to make the most with what I have. I spied a 200mm 2.8 zoom, and stood next to a guy who was casually shooting with a Nikon D3S and some Nikkor tricked out lense or other. Major drooling going on, which called to mind the Deadly Sins and the aforementioned jealousy and envy. Not to mention coveting my neighbor’s lenses! And then I thought… “Just take the picture already!”

It dawned on me the other day that I am not a photographer, I am a taker of snapshots. I like to think they’re getting better, but there’s a ways to go. Take it easy for heaven’s sake.

the birds

Kinda like these birds are doing. (But don’t be fooled. With all the fish flowing through these spillway gates, they’re there for the buffet.)

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The Rev. Kenneth Allen