Stokes Grimsley

Stokes' Brick

Before I forget, I wanted to post this picture of a brick. I don’t know why, and it’s a total non sequitur, and has nothing to do with much of anything that’s been going on lately. It’s a completely random update.

It’s from a memorial walk in Natchez, Mississippi, in a public park right next to the Cathedral. I was visiting with a family friend who had brought me to see the Cathedral, though it was closed.

Aside from liking the name, and thinking that Stokes must have been quite a character, I found myself wondering who on earth he was. What a great name. You can imagine the stories, “That ol’ Stokes!”…

So I googled it and realized it’s actually two surnames. I think. So disappointing… to me at least.

On the bright side, the garden is nearing a state of completion, although the cement pond has sprung a virulent leak. Also, I’m settling in and am almost living a box free life. (This is a good development.) The next project is my office.

Also, praying the Holy Spirit Novena again, which I had posted in January. Wonderful prayer. Here’s to a grand Feast of Pentecost.

The Rev. Kenneth Allen