I confess.
After our amazing and uplifting, and incredibly beautiful two hour marathon of Confessions, I came back here and got ready for bed by playing around with Photoshop.
The fact that the above photo, and it’s processing, are so overblown doesn’t surprise me, as I was trying to highlight the amazing and dramatic clouds.
…it was an amazing night, I tell you.
What does surprise me is that I was standing there taking a picture while the clouds were gathering so bizarrely.
Playing with these photos was inspired by a photo I posted the other day of this rainstorm over the river down my Fort Jackson, which I really like. These were just not meant to be.
Lesson learned: since you can’t write about much of anything after a Night of Confessions, you may as well relax and play with Photoshop for a few minutes before going to bed, no matter the outcome.
And that’s that on that.
But it was an amazing night, I tell you. God is absolutely amazing.
Had to have a look when I saw the title of your post on Twitter! I thought: What could he possibly write about? As I often tell people on retreat: I can’t tell you anything about it, but God’s doing amazing things! Trust me.
Yes, what on earth can one say after hearing Confessions? Evidently not everyone can use photoshop that well after hearing Confessions either!