Outtakes from Livestream Living

There’s a reason the Lord didn’t call me to broadcast journalism and it needs no explanation. So how I ended up making videos is a subject of vast, deep, unknowingness. It’s what one does these days as a Priest.

I consider that a reason I’m not called to do it, yet have to do it anyway, is that on some level it will help the faithful to realize that the entire COVID nightmare is just temporary.

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Always leave them wanting more, I tell you. But here’s another, just in case you like to have one.

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Always leave them thankful you’re leaving, is what I say. Or, that you’re not recording much.

Or something.

It keeps me out of trouble in these uncertain times.

I pray everyone is safe and sane and remember all of you at Mass, where we shall surely all meet again in the not too distant future.


Mass from St. Michael’s


I wanted to post this, though had not meant to live-stream it – which I did, to Facebook and YouTube. As a Priest once said to me – you can’t take yourself too seriously. It was a prayerful time, obviously, and a gift. The only perfect Mass is the heavenly liturgy.

The perils of live-streaming are easily avoided by not knowing you’re doing it.

Stay great and be beautiful.


Letting God

Cleaning Palms

Fr. Charles and I have both been diligently working on our videos, with much exasperation.

The time that goes into utter failure is really not something we can afford at the moment, but it has to be done because we have to do it. And we have our successes. Which will increase. A lot. We pray.

But we really don’t have the time for it, even if it takes up hours some days.

My fascinating and instructive video on cleaning palms has no sound. I don’t have time for this.

Into unpublished history it goes!

See you soon.


Laying Foundations


There’s a cold front coming through here out of the blue. I was feeling chilly, having chills, and fearing the worst when I noticed the weather was simply changing. I still don’t feel great. But – praise God for the glorious skies.

We had internet put into place both at St. Micheal and at St. Jane. (Gosh this place needs a ton of work.)

Some Parishes are prerecording their live streams – we’re not. We throw caution to the wind, hit “Record”, and pray!

Who’d have thought that instead of preparing for the Triduum and the many events in the last days of Lent which we’re certainly still doing – we’d be learning how to live-stream and communicate an abundance of information to you without seeing most of you at any point at all. Go figure!

This cold front though. So nice. So odd. So April.


Fr. Kenneth Allen