Day 2, of 365

framboise label

So, I’m under the weather, but am continuing my 365 Project of a photo a day. Lord knows if I’ll keep posting them here. But I do hope to keep up with the project.

Picture # 2

And Lord knows I have zero use for alcohol in my diet. But it ostensibly made for a better picture.

It’s just a picture — an excercise. I liked the lines in it and thought it would look a bit retro. Not really, but, it’s what it is for Day #2.

And, because I can never leave anything alone and have to play around with it interminably, I ended up with this somewhat bizarre shot:

Bottle and Curtains

And to update this even further… the shot ended up looking like this.


Which is of course why I never end up seeing these things through. I’m far too thorough with everything, and think everything needs to be perfect. But I have to let go of that mindset (once again,) because one can only get so much done in the world on their own. And, I have other things to do.

Pray for me.

Splash, out. +

The 365 Project


A succor is born every minute, and amidst so much to do I’ve fallen for it again.

faucet and sudz

The 365 project. Or, the project’s actual site.

Actually, quite a few of these sites exist, which I hadn’t realized.

Essentially, you take a photo everyday and post it into the online group. The idea is to get in the habit of daily photographs, to practice the craft of photography, to explore news ideas such as using a specific lens all of the time, exploring camera settings, light scenarios, etc.

But we’ll have to come back to that at some point. I keep getting the feeling that the Lord wants me to type up a story of some sort. So, it’s off to prayer.




We’re a beekeeping kind of Parish.


It’s relaxing for the beekeepers, and healthy for the bees.

a rose

And a few shots of favorite bee flowers also…


Well except for that beautiful rose.



An elegant shrub; and an unfocused shot.

Fr. Kenneth Allen