Silence and Word: the Path of Evangelization

An article over at VISnews, Silence and Word, the Path of Evngelization, contains the following:

The extraordinarily varied nature of the contribution of modern communications to society highlights the need for a value which, on first consideration, might seem to stand in contradistinction to it. Silence, in fact, is the central theme for the next World Communications Day Message: ‘Silence and Word: path of evangelisation’.

In the thought of Pope Benedict XVI, silence is not presented simply as an antidote to the constant and unstoppable flow of information that characterises society today but rather as a factor that is necessary for its integration. Silence, precisely because it favours habits of discernment and reflection, can in fact be seen primarily as a means of welcoming the word.

We ought not to think in terms of a dualism, but of the complementary nature of two elements which when they are held in balance serve to enrich the value of communication and which make it a key factor that can serve the new evangelisation.

It is clearly the desire of the Holy Father to associate the theme of the next World Communications Day with the celebration of the forthcoming Synod of Bishops which will have as its own theme: ‘The New Evangelisation for the Transmission of the Christian Faith’.


Beethoven first introduced it in music, shocking everyone along the way. (Think of the dramatic pauses in his Symphony #5, they’re there. Though, perhaps this isn’t the best example of it at all, especially this recording; I just like it. And I’d hate to not post Beethoven this morning on the Feast of St. Jerome.)

But in the spiritual life, we need silence to ponder upon God, to reflect upon the Word of God, and sometimes just to allow things to come together in our hearts and minds. The constant droning busyness which is capable of taking over our lives, needs to be shut off from time to time. (Preferably more often than not!)

Silence. It’s golden.

Fr. Kenneth Allen