A Picture, a List, and a Conclusion

Oaken Tree

    I came across this enormous, huge oak tree the other day at the recently reopened Camp Salmen. I wish someone were standing in the picture for perspective because, frankly, it’s ginormous.

    I’m working on a Camp Salmen post for some time this week.

    A Quick List

  1. Our Deacons preached this weekend, and I have to say they did a marvelous job.

  2. Every time I turned around today a Letter to the Phillipians was being read. First in the Office, then again in the Office from one of the Church Fathers, then at Masses.

    When a reading jumps out at me for no particular reason (I hear many different readings, all the time after all,) I figure the Holy Spirit is trying to get my attention. So then I test the spirit to be sure, and go with the discernment. (Life is so complex at times.)

  3. I keep coming back to this:

    Do nothing out of selfishness or out of vainglory;
    rather, humbly regard others as more important than yourselves,
    each looking out not for his own interests,
    but also for those of others.

  4. I love this passage / verse. I’ve also grown jaundiced enough to realize that many others will not be living this way. But… that doesn’t matter.

  5. A growing lesson I’ve been taking away from the Incarnation of Jesus Christ, is that holiness is often unrecognizable in the world.

    Jesus lived a small, unrecognized life out on the edges of humanity, and then was murdered. Yet his legacy blossomed and changed the world.

  6. So, each of us who profess to follow Jesus Christ, is called to live with the humility expressed in St Paul’s Letter to the Phillipians; and all throughout Scripture of course.

    Humbly regard others as more important than yourselves.”

  7. Oh. That could be tough.

  8. The biggest help that we can have for the world is to seek holiness in our state of life.

    For some that’s in business, some in education, some in politics, some in their roles as parents, etc… Wholeness, and holiness, are what brings the world into balance.

In Conclusion

I wish I had more to offer this evening, but I don’t. It would be a corny analogy to compare the effects of a true and authentic personal sanctity to a little acorn which grew into a mighty oak. So I will not do that!

Hmmm… I just did that, didn’t I?

It’s a good analogy, so we can leave with that.

Oak Tree

Holiness. It’s what’s important.

The Rev. Kenneth Allen