
Who am I kidding? I “recently retired my website” my earlobes.

Ben Franklin’s Rules of Personal Finance, is just what it implies. And it’s very good advice (obviously.)

Non-Native Native Art is, well this is just what it implies also. Web names have taken on a whole new trend in becoming exactly what they mean. Not that there was never not a trend towards that. But there wasn’t. Was there? Whatever, it’s a fun site.

Medjugorje Documents is a collection of documents from the Diocese of Mostrar relating to the Medjugorje phenomena.

Medjugorje with a Mask is another collection of documents which examine the Medjugorje phenomena more closely.

And that’s that for these links, which have been sitting open on my desktop until I locate them somewhere. And I am entirely more likely to find them here than anywhere else! Hence the return of the weblog…

Fr. Kenneth Allen