Out of the Fog

out of the fog

Things change daily, hourly, minutely these days, but so far here is what we’re working with.

We’ll see how it evolves, but most people are quite honestly with fine staying home.

The plan is to have Priest plus 9. Altar servers family may come – up to 9 – then it is open for Parish, and people are handling requests via phone and internet. 

Our Daily Mass schedule is returning to normal so that people have a sense of normalcy. We’re having First Friday Adoration and Confessions. Also First Saturday Masses at 8 and 10 AM. 

Sunday Masses will remain at 8 and 10 until the weekend after the 15th. 

So far that’s what we’re working with


First Live Streamed Mass

Daily Mass from St. Jane – the camera was switched to the front view, which mirrors everything. The Epistle side and Gospel are where they should be -… | By St Jane de Chantal ChurchFacebook

Daily Mass from St. Jane – the camera was switched to the front view, which mirrors everything. The Epistle side and Gospel are where they should be -…

Join call

No Description

Getting over the Learning Curve, which was not terribly steep – and praying the Mass.

#learningcurve #humility

PBS Dumps Mass

This from a friend…

As …for the televised Sunday mass at St. Louis Cathedral, it would be disheartening to see PBS strike “sectarian” programming. “

The Public Broadcasting Service (“PBS”) is poised to vote on June 14-15 on a revised programming policy for its affiliated television stations which, among other policies, would not permit them to air “sectarian” programs. Part of its decision will include a definition of “sectarian.”

PBS’ proposed definition appears to include such programs as “The Face: Jesus in Art” and “Walking the Bible”, but excluding programs which consist of religious services (such as the Mass).” (Archdiocese of New Orleans)

The Mass held at St. Louis Cathedral, which is televised daily in addition to the Sunday liturgy reaches people all across the greater New Orleans area, who otherwise would not be able to participate in the liturgy. This Mass is seen in prisons, nursing homes, and hospitals, in addition to many others who for one reason or another can not attend a traditional mass.

PBS has met with the United States Council of Catholic Bishops (USCCB) and states that the PBS committee-council would find community reaction to the above proposal helpful in their decision making process. If you or your staff have a reaction to this proposed decision, please send an email or fax to: Helen Osman, Secretary of Communications, USCCB at [email protected] or 202/541-3129 before June 12, 2009. We will forward these comments to PBS immediately.

For more information concerning the discontinuing of “sectarian” programming on PBS please see the Archdiocese of New Orleans Statement on the matter.

Or http://www.current.org/pbs/pbs0907sectarian.shtml. (PBS)

The Rev. Kenneth Allen