Whew. And what a Lent it’s been so far.
So much happening in the world, and in my own life that I haven’t really known where to start blogging.
It’s amazing when you think of praying your way through situations, and in general. I had started Lent with a series of meditations on the Sorrows of Jesus, and the sorrows of Mary. Easter was creeping into my thoughts more and more, and everything started to take my focus away from prayer … so today I reigned in my thoughts and actions anew.
I brought my thoughts to bear once again on the sorrowful mysteries of Christ, and the sorrows of Mary; powerful memories swept over me again, and my thoughts turned to a more objective meditation on my own sorrows. Helen Keller’s famous quote is beautiful: Character cannot be developed in ease and quiet. Only through experience of trial and suffering can the soul be strengthened, ambition inspired, and success achieved.
Sorrows and trials limn the joyful moments of life.