Mass from St. Michael’s

I wanted to post this, though had not meant to live-stream it – which I did, to Facebook and YouTube. As a Priest once said to me – you can’t take yourself too seriously. It was a prayerful time, obviously, and a gift. The only perfect Mass is the heavenly liturgy.

The perils of live-streaming are easily avoided by not knowing you’re doing it.

Stay great and be beautiful.





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More Covid-19. Stay safe.

A brief schedule for the weekend.

  • Saturday 8AM, Fr Charles will live stream Mass.
  • Sunday morning –
  • 8AM EF Mass in St. Jane
  • 10AM OF Mass in St. Jane
  • 12 Noon – St. Jane Church will open for the day
  • it will be disinfected prior to Masses, and prior to opening
  • Confessions 3-5 Tuesday
  • Confessions 3-5 Friday
  • Churches are being seen as vectors for the virus as it remains on hard surfaces and the idea is being floated about at large for sections to be cordoned off and sanitized hourly.
  • Please simply clean up as you go, and clean up before and after yourself. It’s not fair, but nothing in life is.
Palm Sunday

If you drop off Palms, please clean the bottom with a sturdy pair of scissors so that the palms can be handled simply. The Palms will be blessed and left in the church for everyone to pick up.

Masses during Holy Week and Easter will be live-streamed. Both Fr Charles and I don’t agree with the entire concept of live-streaming private Masses, but we do understand the need to do so. Remember though, a Homily isn’t given at a private Mass. We can give reflections outside of the Mass.

No Word yet on when this will let up.

Yes, almost everyone is wishing they could come in for a private Mass. And almost everyone is wanting us to do more in every way shape or form. We’ve decided to focus more on prayer, YouTube over Facebook, and not worrying about harsh critics. It’s possible to never stop, to simply die of fatigue and exhaustion. Who does that help?


Ansel Adams Redux

by Ansel Adams

I hope you’ll forgive me for posting Ansel Adam’s photographs. But, when you ponder upon the beauty of creation, and then see his photographs of said creation,… well, it does a soul good.

by Ansel Adams

No harping about megapixels here. He knew about his camera, his exposures, his natural subjects, lighting. And being a musician he knew that timing was everything, it’s said he waited patiently, sometimes hours for the right shots.

by Ansel Adams

He produced some 40,000 photographs during his lifetime. The old fashioned way, by developing each one individually, cropping and processing as needed.

Practice, practice, practice.

I feel better about photography with that in mind. When I look at photos I took a year ago I think about how much better they could be. And I know that by next year I’ll be thinking the same about some of the photos I’m taking right now. (I hope.)

But, it does a soul good to ponder upon the beauty of creation. And artists who help to lift our minds and our hearts, are truly gifts from God.

Fr. Kenneth Allen