History is Amazing

Awhile ago I came across this very old picture of our Church here, as it looked almost 100 years ago in 1917. That’s during the time of WWI, the Russian Revolution, and all of the amazing things that happened in that year so long ago.

Here it is…

SMM 1917
St. Mary Magdalen Church, Metairie - 1917

Then just the other day I decided to check out the very same view as it looks now…

SMM Today
St. Mary Magdalen Church, Metairie - 2012

Fascinating I tell you.

A Jazz Brunch

Well, I would call it more of a Jazz Reception, but it was a lovely time whatever it’s name might have been.

Having Fun

Ain’t She Sweet? Families, kids and Volunteers showed up for a reception in honor of the feast of St. Mary Magdalen, which is actually this coming Friday.

Fr. Bob

Fr. Bob was there, holding court in grand style.

Melanie et Famille

One of my old school friends, Melanie, teaches at our school. I was way, way, way ahead of her in school though; and I believe she must have entered high school just out of the cradle. Here she is with her daughter.

Fr. Nick et al

Fr. Nick is recovering quite nicely and was able to make it over to the Reception. It’s always great to see Fr. Nick!

Jazz Trio

The trio did a great job. I’m going to have to find out who they are, and recommend them again.

A Girlie Cake

I was going to comment on the fact that you can tell women designed this lavender and pink cake, but figured that it would entail me being in charge of the cake next year and decided not to comment on that issue at all. Not a peep out of me about the girlie cake, mind you.

Susie and Loretta

It was a fun time. And I’m sending all my photos to Susie, on the right here, so that she can put them in the Parish archives. Wherever that might be!

After that grand morning, it’s been raining all afternoon. I’m looking forward to a relaxing evening with friends, and blessed a night’s sleep.

Fr. Kenneth Allen