Redbuds Abloom

Redbuds Abloom

There is soooo much going on around the Parish, and in my life in general, that I cannot find the time to write about much of it at any given point in time. And I have a few personal projects which need wrapping up this spring, which will take quite a bit of said time.

Be that as it may, keeping a weblog is sort of a necessity in this day and age, so I will need to devote at least some time and energy to it. I’ve put up a few links to others I’m in contact with, and will have to be adding some as time goes on.

Also, I don’t write about Church life (i.e. the Universal Church), as a rule, but am tempted to start commenting on that as the year progresses. #We’llSeeAboutThat

Splash, out.

Fr. Kenneth Allen