Julia of Corsica

“My liberty is the service of Christ, whom I serve every day with a pure mind. As for that error of yours, I not only do not venerate it, I detest it.”

St. Julia of Corsica

I’ve been fascinated with Julia of Corsica for an entire day now. When you’re praying for the guidance of the saints and one jumps out saying hello, why not look a bit further?

She was born in the 5th Century to a noble family in Carthage, and when the city was captured she was sold into slavery! Can you imagine having a good, no-doubt great upbringing in the Faith, with a no-doubt elegant life, then being sold as a slave? She remained strong in the Faith and in her noble character, denouncing the error of the enemy, refusing to worship false idols, and being put to death by crucifixion.

I wonder if she could have ever imagined I might be sitting here typing away so freely about her as she enjoyed the beatific vision. I wonder if she’s had her eye on me, wanting to assist me in my Faith life and in my work.

She’s patroness of those who suffer torture, as in slavery, trafficking. Those in torture due to addictions and the desires of the flesh and of the world, also invoke her aid in a special way. And – her last words decry error.

Trafficking, slavery, addiction, error… Now where have I encountered all of that before? #theresnoplacelikehome

St. Julia, pray for us. And thank you for your Faith, your aid, and your example.


*Image is used under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 2.0 Generic License.

Fr. Kenneth Allen