It’s impossible to know what was going on in Travis’ mind. We’re all being asked about him. It’s easy to focus on the negatives, but for the record, I’m more than willing to hear his Confession if he’d like to go, and he does have many good qualities – aside from his appalling and breathtaking association with the production of diabolically oriented sex videos.
It started so horrifically, and so simply as most awful things do, when the news broke on October 1, and word spread like wildfire as to what had happened. Clearly diabolic in nature, what the heck was he thinking? What happened? (Don’t look too far or too diligently, if you do, but “priest porn” is evidently a thing.)
When asked about him by various people, I only had a few things to say:
Sure, I knew him tho not that well. He seemed like a nice guy, tho quiet, which isn’t uncommon for a priest. What’s going around is that his nickname in seminary was Lurch, in an oddball way. Evidently, some in the seminary thought there were always problems with him, and aren’t overly surprised, tho I can’t see how anyone is not extremely surprised with the news.
He did a Mass as a Deacon at one of my assignments. And was later assigned nearby in the same Deanery for several years. We were on the Priestly Life and Ministry Committee together though he was unable to attend any of the meetings due to Deanery Meeting conflicts. His last assignment was at a neighboring Parish, tho it’s not that close as we’re such a large parish, territorially speaking.
He’s a kind guy and he seemed like a good man. He did a lot of work trying to reorganize the Serra Club on the Northshore. His former parishioners say he stayed up all night playing video games and was often tired for Masses in the morning. That’s unsurprising given his recent diabolic escapade. They were in the church at 11 pm and after, on September 30, with a scheduled Mass at 8:00 am on October 1. 🤢
The area is riddled with drugs, as is every area these days. Some consider he may have gotten into substance use issues based on his appearance in his mug shot. The area is also home to satanic activity, and there’s said to be much that goes on in the area in which he was pastor. Clearly, there is a diabolic element at play. Whether he was under the influence of some substance use doesn’t really matter, because the fact is it only gave him license to do something he was capable of thinking about rationally when he wasn’t under the influence.
Mindy Dixon did say she was on the way to town to defile a house of God, so he must have had a clue. I’m guessing they were videoing for a porn site, though I really did not want to spend a lot of time investigating that. Priest porn is evidently a thing, and perhaps someone should investigate that phenomon, as it no doubt involves other priests as well.
My thinking is that he got into something he wasn’t prepared to deal with, went with it without thinking of the consequences, and made international news. But the fact remains that he went with it. It’s too far out there to simply explain away, so he has no excuse in that regard.
The traumatizing tale was was picked up by the New York Post and others:
And by the Daily Mail.
And by the Mirror because clearly the Uk was fascinated:
On to Australia.
Back home, Archbishop Aymond sensibly burned the altar, though the UK remained glued to the story.
The burning of the altar met with mixed reactions. Some thought the church should be bulldozed and the earth salted.
Saints Peter and Paul catholic church became Steve Fecke’s spiritual home after Katrina and worked closely with former pastor Travis Clark to help record masses for the congregation during COVID.
Other parishioners described their former pastor as respectful, courteous, and humble.
“It’s very difficult to read and hear some of the things that transpired on an altar so to me it’s a welcome change it’s a sign of maybe renewal for our church,” Fecke said.
Clark was arrested in October on obscenity charges with Mindy Dixon and Melissa Cheng for having sex with the women on the church’s altar. Both identify as dominatrices on their social media pages. Fecke says hearing that news, betrayal was only the start.
“I ask people to keep our parish and our faith our catholic church in their prayers,” Fecke said.
After burning the old altar, Archbishop Gregory Aymond gifted a new altar to the church from the archdiocese.
“His behavior was obscene his desecration of the altar is demonic,” Aymond said.
via Fox8Live
The women involved have spoken out, especially vocal is Mindy Dixon, who goes by the name Lady Vi, and also goes as the Satanatrix.
Mindy Dixon, 41, and 23-year-old Melissa Cheng traveled to Pearl River, Louisiana, for the session with Reverend Travis Clark, 37, at the Saints Peter and Paul Roman Catholic Church after hours on September 30.
The dominatrices, both dressed in corsets and high-heeled boots at the time, were arrested alongside the priest, and the trio were charged with obscenity. Following the arrest, Clark, who was ordained in 2013, was suspended from the archdiocese….
Cheng and Dixon insist that they were innocent because all parties were adults, and the incident took place behind closed doors on private property – and that it was the passerby who looked in who was to blame.
Dixon, based in Seattle, reacted to the news by posting on Twitter a gif of a horned red devil dancing in a sexually suggestive manner, captioned: ‘This is my official f***ing statement.’
On her website Dixon, who lives with her husband and their pug, Lily, goes by the name Lady Vi.
She describes herself as ‘the embodiment of sin exquisitely crafted into flesh and bone’ and promotes her dungeon and S&M catalogue, emphasizing that she does not have sex with her clients, and nor will her clients be allowed to touch her.
The IBT has a good story on both of them, thought the DailyMail is pretty specific.
Heavy helps fill in the story on Melissa Cheng.
Cheng tweeted on October 5 that she was going on vacation to Mexico. Cheng said that she needs “a proper vacation after being so traumatized.” On October 7, Cheng tweeted that she had “been through a lot these past few days.”
According to various posts on the dominatrix news website HogSpy, Cheng frequently tours around the United States. Over the past 12 months, Cheng has offered her dominatrix services in Detroit, Boston, Philadelphia, Washington D.C. and Los Angeles.
As well as more – if you can imagine – on Mindy Dixon.
Dixon describes herself as a “Sadistic, sin-seeking, corruption Domme who craves authenticity in scene and service” on her website. One review of Dixon’s work says, “Lady Vi, and the Church of Satanatrix, are perfection. I put myself into her hands and was treated to an experience like nothing else.” The website lists prices of $300 for a one-hour session.
Dixon writes in another section of her website that she is a satanist and established a church known as Satanatrix. Dixon says the church “a way to combine my religious ideology (Satanist) with my personal and professional calling (Dominatrix).” In that section, Dixon says that “Religious role-play scenes are incredibly hot. I love exploiting shame and playing with deep-rooted religious guilt.”
Ms. Dixon has a Facebook Page, a Website, as well as her Twitter. Melissa Cheng has an Empress Ming Facebook Page, and currently has a GoFundMe to help with her legal expenses.
No one knows where Travis is. 🤷🏼♂️
But the lawyers are ready to go. Ms. Dixon posted her attorney’s statement on her Twitter.

Mindy’s appalled, but could it actually be classified as a hate crime? She’s an avowed satanist, and did intend to defile a house of God.
One wonders what happened with Travis.

But one can quite clearly only spend so much time researching a thing, especially when it’s so heavy.
The works of satan invaded the Church through one of its Priests, and that’s serious. Something went wrong in an extremely major way.
It can only be a big picture thing. Notre Dame Seminary is having a Mass of Reparation this Wednesday, October 14 at 4:00 pm.
The Kingdom of God is the victor in the battle against evil. As Jesus pointed out to satan, “It is written”, “Have you not read?” The Lord has already spoken. It doesn’t mean we’re safe from the attacks and wiles of the enemy – far be it from remaining so easy a thing.
Still, it’s simple. Because those who seek the Kingdom of Heaven will find what they are looking for. And the Lord provides for our needs, our safe shelter – we can become hidden in Christ until He who is our life appears in glory.
There’s an old German proverb having to do with an elderly man coming downstairs in the middle of the night, after hearing some sound or other, and seeing satan himself seated in the living room before the fire. “Oh, it’s just you,” he says, and returns to sleep. He knew he had more power and all protection.
St. Benedict of Nursia is also a great intercessor, with beautiful prayers. It’s difficult sometimes, putting yourself out there for Jesus Christ, especially if you’re sensitive to spiritual phenomena and don’t care to invite more attention than you already do as a Christ lover. But now’s the time for it.

Jesus Christ is Lord.